Lyoncraft Engraving

Handcrafted Celtic and heraldic engraved home decor and gifts.


Heraldic Artists.

We hand-draw the original artwork used for every single family crest design we engrave. Click the button below to check out our family crest collection.


Artist and co-owner of Lyoncraft Kevin Lyon brings to life a stunning heraldic quiver and arrows design for one of our custom family crest wooden coaster sets.


Support Ukraine

100% of the profits from our Support Ukraine Collection will be donated to Sunflower or Peace, a non-profit sending medical supplies to the front line in Ukraine.


Who we are

Lyoncraft is a family run business based out of eastern Oregon that specializes in Celtic and heraldic engraved home decor and gifts. We create the original designs we engrave on our products and we are passionate about creating unique heirloom quality items that will be passed down through generations. We hope you enjoy our products and services.

-Kevin & Cassie Lyon